23. 9. 1. Preparations
It does not provide a dedicated interface board, but you can connect it to the power
and UART of the embedded board as shown below.
OpenCR develops and downloads firmware through the Arduino IDE. Therefore, you
must install the Arduino IDE in advance and install the OpenCR board package. Install
through the following link document.
Install Arduino IDE and OpenCR
23. 9. 2. Download firmware and run
1. After connecting USB to PC, select Tools -> Board -> OpenCR Board in Arduino IDE.
2. Change Tools-> Port to the port to which the board is connected.
3. In the Arduino IDE Examples, select the firmware for LDS (File -> Examples -> OpenCR
-> Etc -> LDS -> drawLDS).
4. Click on the icon in the Arduino IDE that displays the red circle to build and download
the firmware. When the download is completed, the firmware is automatically
Back to Top ▲
7. SBC Setup
8. OpenCR Setup
9. Bringup
10. Teleoperation
11. Example
12. SLAM
13. Navigation
14. Simulation
15. Manipulation
16. Autonomous Driving
17. Applications
18. Friends
19. Learn
20. Video
21. Appendix #OpenCR1.0
22. Appendix #DYNAMIXEL
23. Appendix #LDS-01
24. Appendix #RealSense™
25. Appendix #Raspberry Pi C…
26. Appendix #OpenSource
27. License
29. Contact US