App Control
User Manual
Page 44
High Speed Capture
High Speed Capture enables
you to take elusive high
speed events such as a
projectile in mid-air, a
balloon popping, a glass
shattering, suspended water
drops, or similar subjects.
This type of exposure usually
requires a sensor (optional),
bulb mode, and a dark
environment. Other than
that, RoboSHOOT
care of the complexity.
To use this capability, set up your darkened
environment and get ready to take the shot. Using
the high speed capture settings page, set the values
as needed and take a reference shot (‘Set Ref’
button) to set exposure levels for the next shots.
Then, when you are ready, press ‘Armed’. When the
sensor detects an event, the speedlight is triggered,
optionally with a delay.
The delay mode can be changed by pressing the
Flash Delay Icon. The modes are: Fixed Delay or
Proportional Delay.