Chapter 2-9
Base Station and Perimeter Wire Setup
2.6 Placing Base Station
Use RoboRuler to measure and place Base Station on the Perimeter Wire.
2.6.1 If Base Station is placed on the lawn – Internal Setup
Use RoboRuler to place the Base Station on the Perimeter.
the area outside the perimeter is
free of
or if it
is at the same relative height as the
perimeter edge
use the shorter distance of
RoboRuler (30 cm/12 in)
the area outside the perimeter is walled (building,
fence etc.)
is NOT at the same relative
height as the perimeter edge
use the longer
distance of RoboRuler (45 cm/18 in).
Position the Base Station by the lawn’s edge, with its fence
facing the lawn.
2.6.2 If Base Station is placed outside the lawn – External Setup
Place the Base Station, so that the distance between
the Drive Wheel Supports and the Perimeter Wire
inside the lawn is 45cm (18 inches). This is the
longest dimension of RoboRuler.
Place the Base Station with a shift of 10-20 cm
(4-8 inches) to the right.
The two wires are very close. This has an effect on the
wire sensors readings. Therefore, the Base Station
should be shifted.
The exact shift will be later adjusted during the final
testing of the setup.
It is recommended to place the Base Station at least
30 cm (12 inches) before the end of the external
This allows the mower a smooth entrance to the Base
Clear the pass of any obstacles. Verify that the pass
is smooth, with no height differences, and its surface
is firm.
Long Distance
Fence facing inside of
lawn area
Base Station placed
in a right shift from
the wire.
45 cm (18”) –
Long Distance of
the RoboRuler
20 cm
RoboRuler Short Distance
Area outside perimeter: Same basic level and
free of obstacles.
Area outside perimeter has a
wall as an obstacle.
Fence facing inside of
lawn area