SmartPAT 5500
Controls and Accessories
The cables, connectors, controls and indicators of the SmartPAT 5500 are shown in Figure 2 and listed
below, together with a brief functional description:
Captive mains cable to connect to the mains supply with either a
13A, 230V or a 16A, 110V plug (via adaptor). (See Figure 2 (6))
Earth Bond
Captive cable, fitted with heavy duty crocodile clip, to connect to
appliance under test. (See Figure 2 (5))
110 V Appliance
Provides a socket to connect a 110 V appliance to the test set for
testing. (See Figure 2 (8))
230 V Appliance
Provides a socket to connect a 230 V appliance to the test set for
testing. (See Figure 2 (7))
IEC Lead Test
Enables IEC leads to be tested, used in conjunction with the 230 V
Appliance Input socket. (See Figure 2 (3))
Serial Port
Allows an external computer/printer or any serial interface data
collector device to be connected to the Portable Appliance Tester.
(See Figure 2 (1))
Flash Probe
Enables a probe to be inserted into the Portable Appliance Tester, to
allow high voltage insulation tests to be carried out. (See Figure 2 (4))
Disk Drive
Disk Drive 1.44Mb
A 3
” floppy disk drive to provide a means of storing the records
so that later they can be downloaded to a computer. (See Figure 2 (2))
When transferring data to a floppy disk it is essential that the data is either
transferred to a computer or printed before the data is deleted from the tester.
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