Instruction/Data Sheet
Page 17
Robert Sorby
Eccentric Chuck is just one of many unique and innovative products that we
manufacture in our factory in Sheffield, England. Listed below are just a few of the more specialised
tools and products that are available. Please read on the back page for further information on our
renown catalogue and website.
The texturing tool is used to produce beautiful textures and patterns such as the very popular orange
peel effect on most turned work. It can change the look of an ordinary piece to an eye catching piece
of art.
The Spiralling and Texturing system can enhance any turned piece with a variety of spirals from the 3
different sized spiral cutters included. These can be used on the outside of bowls and to apply spirals
on candlesticks and goblet stems. It also contains the texture cutter as described.
One of the most versatile tools available. The Multi-Tip
Hollowing Tool is fitted with a 3/4” (19mm) wide half-round
shank which makes it he most user friendly hollowing tool on
the market. It is supplied with three cutters. One for under
shoulder hollowing and one for straight box cutting. The other
cutter is tear-drop shaped and is used for shear scraping.
Robert Sorby
thread cutting tools are available in
three thread sizes. These are 10,16 and 20 threads per inch
(TPI). The thread sizing gauge is a must have for anybody
wanting to make accurate threaded boxes. There is also
available a Tool Rest and a relief tool to assist in the internal
thread cutting.
The range of Stebcentres includes the original version
available in 1MT & 2MT with 1/2”,7/8” and 1 1/4” heads sizes.
There is also a revolving, live version that fits into the tailstock
for simple eccentric work. The Steb Drive has all the same
benefits as the original version but with advantage that it will fit
directly into a four
jaw scroll chuck.
Robert Sorby
Instruction/Data Sheet