User’s Guide HDSP System RPM
8.6 Recording
For recordings via the analog inputs the corresponding record device has to be chosen (RPM
Analog (x+x)). The sensitivity of the phono and line inputs can be adjusted coarse in the
Settings dialog. In real world operation, a further fine-adjustment prooves not to be necessary.
Using line sources, the analog level can usually be controlled directly at the source to match
the RPM's sensitivity perfectly.
The sample frequency shown in the Settings dialog (see chapter 9, screenshot Settings) is
useful as a quick display of the RPM's current configuration.
The screenshot to the right shows a typical dialog
used for changing basic parameters such as
sample frequency and resolution in an audio
Any bit resolution can be selected, providing it is
supported by both the audio hardware and the
software. Even if the input signal is 24 bit, the
application can still be set to record at 16-bit
resolution. The lower 8 bits (and therefore any
signals about 96dB below maximum level) are
lost entirely. On the other hand, there is nothing
to gain from recording a 16-bit signal at 24-bit
resolution - this would only waste precious space
on the hard disk.
It often makes sense to monitor the input signal or send it directly to the output. This can be
done at zero latency using
(see chapter 15).
TotalMix also includes a useful automatic real-time monitor function, see chapter 15.8 for
details. Activating record in the application causes the input signal to be routed according to the
current mixer settings.
Currently two solutions exist which enable an automated control of real-time monitoring. ZLM
(Zero Latency Monitoring) allows monitoring in Punch I/O mode - with this the system behaves
like a tape machine. This method has been implemented in all versions of Samplitude (by
SEK’D), and can be activated using the global track option 'Hardware monitoring during Punch'.
The other solution is Steinberg’s ASIO protocol with our ASIO 2.0 drivers and all ASIO 2.0
compatible programs. When 'ASIO Direct Monitoring' has been switched on the input signal is
routed in real-time to the output whenever Record is started.