QOS Classification
QoS can provide 4 internal queues and each queue supports 4 different levels of traffic. The data packets
with high priority stay a short time in the ethernet switch. Some traffic which is sensitive to delay will
supports very short latent period. According to port ID, MAC address, 802.1p priority tag, DiONetServ and IP
TOS, the device can classfy data packets to its corresponding classification.
User can choose QOS priority queue mechanism. The mechanism includes 2 kinds: Weighted Fair(8:4:2:1)
and Strict.
Weighted Fair(8:4:2:1): when 4 100M data with different priority seize 1 100M port to transmit the data, it will
transmit data as the proportion of 8:4:2:1. Data with High priority will take 8/15, Mdium priority will take 4/15,
Normal priority will take 2/15 and Low priority will take 1/15.
Strict: when 4 100M data with different priority seize 1 100M port to transmit the data, data with high priority
will be transmitted at first, data with Medium, Normal and Low will be transmitted later according to their
Default Priority
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Configuring the System