RLH Industries, Inc.
936 N. Main Street, Orange, CA 92867
Phone: 800-877-1672
FAX: 714-532-1885
email: [email protected]
Fiber Optic Link
RLH Industries, Inc.
The leader in
rugged, fiber op�c
UG-M071 2021-12-07
10/100 Ethernet
Provides 10/100 Ethernet over fiber
Connects directly to RJ45 connector
IEEE 10/100 standards compliant
Half or full duplex opera�on
User selectable link fault detec�on mode (Link Fault Pass-
through) allows quick fault isola�on
Extends network span up to 120km/74 miles (singlemode)
Bidirec�onal communica�on over a single fiber is available
Environmentally rugged with wide opera�ng temperature
U�lizes ultra-reliable 1x9 fiber op�c modules
On board LED status display
U�lizes 24~56VDC power source
Available in singlemode and mul�mode
Available with ST, SC or FC connectors
Compa�ble with a wide variety of RLH Card
Limited Life�me Warranty
Made in USA
Key Features
The RLH 10/100 Ethernet fiber link card converts a 10/100BaseT
RJ45 port to an op�cal signal for transmission over either
mul�mode or singlemode fiber op�c cable.
With half or full duplex opera�on, it also features Auto MDI/MDI-X
so a straight through or crossover cable can be used regardless of
end device. The card provides Link Loss Pass-through (LFP), and
has an informa�ve LED display for status monitoring.
This product is IEEE 802.3 10Base-T, 100Base-Tx and 100Base-Fx
compliant, and is interoperable with other 10/100 BaseT and
Base-FX devices. Both dual fiber (single direc�on) and single fiber
(bidirec�onal) models are available. Please refer to the op�cs
configura�on table below.
This fiber link card is designed to be installed into any of the RLH
Fiber Link Card Housings, and occupies a single card slot.
Ethernet to Fiber Isolation Card
10/100 Ethernet