20 • 65-2405RK-05-04 Combustible Gas Transmitter
4. Allow the gas to flow for the length of time determined in “Determining Response Time” on
page 18 and verify a reading of 100 mV (±2 mV). If necessary, use the zero pot on the amplifier to
adjust the reading to 100 mV (±2 mV).
5. Turn the regulator’s on/off knob clockwise to close the regulator.
6. Unscrew the regulator from the zero air calibration cylinder.
7. Leave the sample tubing connected to the regulator and the calibration cup.
Setting the Response Reading
1. Screw the regulator into the calibration cylinder. Verify that the calibration gas is representative of
the transmitter’s target gas.
2. Turn the regulator’s on/off knob counterclockwise to open the regulator.
3. Allow the gas to flow for the length of time determined in “Determining Response Time” on
page 18 and verify that the reading matches the response reading (±2 mV) you determined earlier.
If necessary, use the span pot on the amplifier to adjust the reading to match the correct response
4. Turn the regulator’s on /off knob clockwise to close the regulator.
5. Unscrew the regulator from the calibration cylinder.
Returning to Normal Operation
1. Remove the voltmeter leads from the amplifier test points.
2. Unscrew the calibration cup from the detector.
For convenience, leave the regulator and calibration cup connected by the sample tubing.
3. Secure the junction box cover to the junction box.
4. When the controller display reading falls below the alarm setpoints, return the controller to normal
5. Verify that the controller display reading decreases and stabilizes at 0 %LEL.
6. Store the components of the calibration kit in a safe and convenient place.