The X600EP 6S FBL is the perfect choice for intermediate and expert level R/C Helicopter pilots, however, Radio
controlled models such as this can crash and cause serious damage to people and property if not properly
assembled and flown with great care. Please exercise the highest levels of caution and safety when operating
this model and if you are a beginner, please seek help from an experienced RC heli pilot.
Check the battery voltages of the transmitter and receiver packs. Do not risk that “last flight”, it really might be
the last.
Check to ensure the main rotor and the tail rotor are free from damage. Do not fly with suspect components.
Range check the transmitter to a distance of at least 60–75 meters from the model with the transmitter antenna
down, checking all control movements.
When Flying.
Do not fly your X600EP 6S FBL near to any houses, high voltage wires or busy roads.
Be sure to fly within the range of your radio.
Always keep your eyes on your model when flying, it can change attitude or get out of sight in a very short time.
Never hover with the rotor at eye level. Be sure to keep the model at a safe height and altitude.
If you feel that something is wrong with your model while flying, land it immediately and check it over. Do not
take any chances.
After Flight
When the rotor speed has slowed sufficiently, use the palm of your hand on the head button to bring it to a stop.
Check to ensure that nothing has come loose.
If the main rotor or other parts have made contact with the ground do not take any chances. Replace them before
the next flight even they look to be in good condition.
Make sure the receiver, battery and gyro are still secure.
Perform periodical checks of the Helicopter to make sure there is no damage or loose
screws. . Check all bearings to ensure they are working smooth, they can cause
glitches if they are damaged.