34-503 07/13
CAUTION: Never size a flue vent based only on the flue outlet size of the product.
Vent installations for connection to gas vents or chimneys must be in accordance with Part 7, Venting of
Equipment, of the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, or applicable provisions of the
building codes.
1. A flue vent passing through the roof must be terminated in accordance with Section 7.6.2, Gas Vent
Termination, of the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, or applicable provisions of
the local building codes.
2. A gas vent passing through a wall must be terminated in accordance with Section 7.8, Through the Wall
Vent Termination, of the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, or applicable
provisions of the local building codes.
WARNING: Vent connectors serving appliances vented by natural draft shall not be connected into
any portion of mechanical draft systems operating under positive pressure
. Failure to observe this
warning could result in property damage, serious injury or death.
3. The vent connector must be the same size as the product flue outlet. The vent size must be determined
by the BTU input of the product(s) and the vent design. The horizontal breeching of a vent must have at
least 1/4" rise per linear foot not to exceed the length of horizontal vent.
CAUTION: Do not weld or support breaching to product flue outlet. Adequate support of the venting
system must be provided in compliance with local or other applicable codes.
WARNING: The appliance must use only draft regulators as supplied by the appliance manufacturer
for these purposes. Failure to use the correct draft regulators could result in carbon monoxide
poisoning causing personal injury or loss of life.
4. Draft regulators (barometric dampers) may be incorporated in the vent for gas, oil, and gas/oil fan
assisted products and are recommended. A single swing barometric damper should be used for oil-fired
products. The double swing type should be used on gas or gas/oil fired products. Under normal venting
conditions, the draft regulator should be the same size as the flue outlet of the product, never smaller.
Draft regulators must be installed and adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
A minimum of -.02" to -.06" W.C. draft is required for appliances vented by natural draft.