6 Installation
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
The equivalent length is calculated from the built-in
moulded parts and the relevant values from table 5:
– 90° curve: Equivalent length "0.5 m"
– Oil elevation arc: Equivalent length "3.0 m"
In this example, there are four 90° curves and two oil el-
evation arcs installed. This produces the following equiv-
alent length for all moulded parts:
4 x 0,5 m + 2 x 3,0 m = 8,0 m
The overall length is obtained by adding together the ac-
tual length and the equivalent length.
15,0 m + 8,0 m = 23,0 m
In this example, therefore, the calculated overall length is
less than the maximum admissible pipeline length, and
the installation can therefore be carried out in this form.
Sample calculation of coolant quantity
Only the
length of the pipeline is included in the
calculation of required coolant quantity. The number and
type of installed moulded parts has
influence on the
quantity of coolant.
The quantity of coolant for the entire system, including
5.0 pipeline length, is 2.8 kg. 0.03 kg of coolant must be
added for each additional metre of pipeline above and
beyond the 5.0 m already taken into account. Based on
the above example, this therefore produces the follow-
ing calculation.
– Actual pipeline length 15.0 m
– Additional pipeline length to be taken into account:
15.0 m – 5.0 m = 10.0 m
– Additional quantity of coolant for 10.0 m: 10 x 0.03 kg
= 0.3 kg
– Quantity of coolant for 15.0 m: 2.8 kg + 0.3 kg =
3.1 kg
Protecting the pipework
1. Suitable precautions should be taken to prevent ex-
cessive vibrations or pulsations. In particular, care
should be taken to prevent the direct transmission of
noise or vibrations onto or through the supporting
structure and the connected devices.
2. Safety devices, pipework and fittings should be pro-
tected from unfavourable environmental influences
as far as possible. Due consideration should be giv-
en to unfavourable environmental influences, such
as the risk of water collecting, freezing of relief lines
or the accumulation of dirt and waste.
3. With long pipelines, adequate precautions should be
taken with regard to expansion and contraction.
4. The pipelines of cooling systems should be de-
signed and laid in such a way that the system cannot
be damaged by liquid slugging (hydraulic shock).
5. Pipelines with detachable connections must not be
positioned in public thoroughfares, vestibules, stair-
wells, steps, entrances, exits or in ducts or shafts
with unsecured openings to such areas, unless pro-
tected against disconnection.
6. Pipelines without detachable connections, valves,
control and regulatory devices that are protected
against accidental damage may be positioned in
public thoroughfares, stairwells or vestibules, pro-
vided they are situated at least 2.2 m above the
Pipe brackets
1. Both horizontal and vertical lines must be laid with vi-
bration-damping elements (such as rubber seals).
These must be used at a spacing of at least 2 m.
2. The first pipe bracket downstream of the LCP DX
and upstream of the condenser should be elastic.
Pipe brackets must not be too close to bends, to al-
low elongation of lines.
Installing the piping
1. To connect the refrigerant piping system open the
line ends on the LCP DX and the condenser. Upon
opening, gas must escape audibly (ex works nitro-
gen filling); this is evidence that there are no leakag-
es in the refrigerating circuit.
2. Cut lines only using a pipe cutting device!
3. Never saw lines open, to prevent generation of saw-
ing swarf!
4. Only solder lines while using nitrogen as a protective
gas! To achieve this, introduce dry nitrogen on one
end of the line already prepared. Before starting sol-
dering, introduce a generous nitrogen flow, when
starting soldering reduce it to a minimum and main-
tain this low protective gas flow during the entire sol-
dering process.
5. Before soldering the last connection, open one
screwed union, to prevent overpressure in the piping
system. Upon soldering retighten the connection!
6. As an alternative to soldering you may use crimping.
However, limit crimped connections to annealed
pipes with a diameter of max. 20 mm! After cutting
the pipes, slightly open the pipe to the correct inside
diameter. The crimps must be tightened to the cor-
rect torque using a torque wrench.
Low-temperature insulation of the liquid lines
1. Liquid cooling outside of the building with low-tem-
perature insulation to DIN 4140 made from UV-re-
sistant HT/Armaflex or an equivalent material.
2. A wall thickness of 9 mm is recommended.
Vibrations and pulsations should be as-
sessed with the system operational at maxi-
mum condensation temperature and when
switching the system on and off, which has
unfavourable impacts on the pipework.