The button at the upper right is the Programmer Configuration button and is used to set the serial
communications baud rate for communications between the programmer and the host computer. It defaults
to 38400 baud, but can be set to other common serial rates. In addition, if the host computer baud rate is
unknown, the Test Configuration button can be selected to auto-detect the baud rate. Selecting OK
confirms the choice of baud rate.
The other button is used to read the contents of the radio into the programmer so that the current
configuration of the radio can be observed and edited.
Upon selecting the Read Radio button, the Frequency tab is opened as shown below.
This page shows the frequencies programmed into the modem. Depending upon how the A/B pin is
programmed either one or two pairs of frequencies will be displayed. Frequencies can be programmed into
the device by clicking on the appropriate field and typing in the desired frequencies. The frequencies must
be within the operating range of the radio and must be divisible by the synthesizer step size for the