Fitting the ailerons and Completing wing
The wings and ailerons are aupplied with the hinges loose fitted,ready for installation. Remove
both ailerons and ensure that the hinges are inserted mid-way in their slots. Using thin cyano, pour
a couple of drops onto each hinge-above and below-ensuring the glue soaks into the hinge and the
surrounding wood.
Carefully slide each aileron into position,ensuring a gap-free hinge line. Make sure that each
aileron lines up with the wing tips and tat they are free to move through their entire travel. Centre
each aileron between the root and tip so that there is a equal gap at both ends. Minimise any hinge
gap, then carefully add a couple of drops of thin cyano to the top and bottom of each hinge
ensuring that the glue does not run through the hinge line onto the bottom of the wing. Turn the
wing over and drop more cyano onto each hinge from the other side.