Preparing the Sample Fluid
When using cup A (no cutout), fi ll the cup with sample fl uid to the upper
brim. When using cup B (with cutout), insert the cup into the sample fl uid
up to the upper brim. For both cups A and B, the indication of the sample
amount is about 460 mL.
Choose the rotor according to the viscosity of the sample fl uid. Depending
on the rotor, the required cup size also changes. For No. 1 and No. 2 rotors,
use a JIS 300 mL beaker* fi lled with about 350 mL of sample fl uid. For the
No. 3 rotor, use the No. 3 cup fi lled with about 150 mL of sample fl uid.
*The actual capacity of the JIS 300 mL beaker is about 420 mL.