Attaching the Rotor (VT-06)
Select a suitable rotor for the viscosity of the sample fl uid (see page 29), and
screw the rotor into the rotor mounting shaft.
• If you do not know the viscosity of the sample fl uid,
perform measurement using rotors in the following
order: No. 2 rotor, No. 1 rotor, No. 3 rotor.
• Because this is a left-hand (reverse) screw thread, you
must turn the rotor counterclockwise to screw it in.
• Check the blue rubber section of the rotor mounting
shaft does not touch the case of the unit. Otherwise
the correct measurement may be impossible.
• To detach the rotor, hold the blue rubber section
of the rotor mounting shaft with your fi ngers and
turn the rotor clockwise.