• Do NOT treat the following areas: Tattoos, permanent make-up, pimples,
warts, hair grown on black spots, skin disease, birth marks, burns, lips,
nipples, genital or anal areas, eczema, eyelashes, eyebrows, near the eyes,
nasal or ear hair.
• Do NOT treat the same hair/area repeatedly in any one session.
• Do NOT use after drinking alcohol or if you are feeling unwell or fatigued.
• Do NOT override any safety features or open the unit.
• Power levels should be selected based on your skin type as defined in the
‘Fitzpatrick Skin Phototypes’ section.
• Laser hair removal should not cause discomfort. If you feel any discomfort or
soreness the setting may be too high or your skin tone (colour) is not suitable
for use with this product.
• Laser hair removal should not cause discomfort. If you feel any discomfort or
soreness the setting may be too high or your skin tone (colour) is not suitable
for use with this product.