nike audio manager (pc)
The nike audio manager manages digital audio content from
your pc’s desktop. It incorporates the most commonly used
software tools necessary for managing digital audio content in
one application.
Use nike audio manager to:
1. Manage the audio content on your computer.
2. Encode audio tracks from a CD-ROM.
3. Manage the audio content on your psa[play.
4. Create a custom CD-ROM.
5. Search for and download digital audio from the internet
with the built in web browser.
note: The recommended WMA file bit compression rate is 64 kbps.
The nike audio manager contains a database for storing and
organizing your digital audio tracks. This database provides a
method for encoding and organizing your entire cd collection
and storing these files on your pc’s hard drive or on any other
storage device.
Click the buttons along the top of the main window to:
1. make a playlist
Build and manage playlists and albums to listen to on your pc or
. View digital tracks embedded with id3 tags by title
and more.
1. Click the playlist button. The empty play list screen displays.
2. Click the select tracks from database or select playlists
from database buttons.
3. Tag tracks you wish to listen to by clicking the tag check
box to the left of the song title. Scroll down if you cannot
find a song.
4. Click the OK button to return to the main screen with the
selected tracks listed.
software: basic information