frequently asked questions
1. I registered my copy of the nike audio manager on my first
computer, but when I install it on another computer, it tells me
that the code is not valid.
• The license is system specific. To use the software on multi-
ple computers, register on each computer.
2. Can I use the nike psa[play in windows 95? I have the USB
supplement pack.
• No. The nike psa[play can only be used in windows 98, win-
dows millennium, windows 2000, or mac os 8.51 or later.
3. Can I unlock the audio manager so I can encode more cds?
• Yes. To get your certificate number (unlock code), please
register online. Follow the prompts on screen to complete
the registration process and get your unlock/certificate
4. I get an error when I encode a cd and start recording.
• The encoding of cd tracks to mp3 tracks can be impeded by
one or more of the following factors:
• Over-taxing the cpu during the encoding process. (End all
other tasks before encoding.)
• Insufficient ram to cache the track properly. (Generally 64
MB is fine assuming that no other application is running.)
• CD-ROM firmware. (Even if a CD-ROM drive is new, it may
require a firmware update from the manufacturer to cor-
rect audio extraction errors.)
• Overclocking. (Overclocking the system can have adverse
effects on the peripheral components. If your system is
overclocked [running faster than it is rated at], then bring
it back to its normal operating speed).
5. What does a “No Rio” message on the LCD mean?
•A “No Rio” message on the LCD indicates that the battery
may be low. We recommend you remove the battery, verify
it is charged, and if necessary, install a new battery.