4 | Rinnai Smart Cylinder MP indoor stainless steel: Owner & installer guide: 20430-C 03-17
About your Rinnai Smart Cylinder
Your Rinnai Smart Cylinder learns the typical hot water use in the home and then
heats the water to suit the anticipated demand. Energy is saved as water is not fully
heated when you don't need it.
The mode button enables selection with the + and - buttons to switch between:
Your Rinnai Smart Cylinder comes factory preset to operate in automatic mode, at a level setting
of three. We recommend staying with this setting to achieve a balance between running cost
savings and ensuring you have enough hot water.
iQ automatic mode
Permanently monitors and learns hot water usage habits. After a minimum of one
week it will automatically adjust the cylinder heating times according to your hot water
usage pattern. A certain amount of hot water is guaranteed at all times depending on
the level you select.
Manual mode
Permanently maintains the total volume of water at a temperature according to the
selected level—operates just like a traditional electric storage cylinder.
Vacation mode
Keeps the water in the cylinder at a minimum temperature (6 °C) and prevents the
water freezing in colder areas.
Child lock indicator
Screen is able to be locked to avoid settings being changed. To lock and unlock press
the mode and - buttons at the same time and hold for three seconds.
Maintenance/error indicator
Error codes are indicated by the maintenance logo, a flashing background light, and
the error code number.
Vacation days and error code
Displays either the number of vacation days (if set) or error code.