Rinnai New Zealand
Manual Outdoor Super Ray Operation and Installation:
10020-D 04-09
Appliance Location - Important
As a gas appliance there are some stringent criteria governing where it can be located. In
addition to the clearances stated below you must also ensure the following:
For commercial indoor use this appliance must not be used in a room smaller than 120 m
and ventilation requirements must comply with NZS:5261 2.6.6
Outdoor locations comply with ‘Definition of an Outdoor Area’ on following page
Outdoor use only for domestic applications
The diagram below shows the required minimum clearances for the appliance to walls, floor
and ceiling or loose materials such as umbrellas, flags etc.
The heater discharges products of combustion from the top of the unit. If ceiling clearance is not maintained this
could potentially be a fire hazard and surfaces may discolour.
The appliance heats via infra-red rays which discharge heat energy upon striking a surface. They do not pass
through solid materials. When installing the heater obstructions to the path of the rays must be taken into
500 mm
300 mm from ceiling
1800 mm
from floor
from wall or other materials