Approach the sampling hose to the sampling site for measurement and leave sampling gas
・Take care that any twist on the sampling hose can not be made.
・Stop sampling hose at the point of measurement.
・From the hose length consider the delay time and read out the reading after the reading
gets stable.
・Oxygen depletion air etc may be exhausted from gas outlet. Do not breathe in there
・High density gas over (LEL) may be exhausted. Do not approach fire there absolutely.
When suck air containing gas, do it after removing water vapours.
When suck high temp gas, do it after being used to be ambient temp.
Do not have water and oil sucked wrongly, the internal pump and sensor may be troubled.
When measure, check the roaring sound of pump and flow monitor.
It is impossible to measure at pump work stop.
・Do not block the pump outlet, the reading shall show a little higher.
・When measure oxygen in inert gas for a long time, be sure to measure lower than 15% CO2
by all means. When exeed higher density than 15%, shorten the time for this measurement
as life of oxygen sensor may be shortend.
・In the place where environment temp is remarkably changed, there may be the case that
accurate oxygen measurement is impossible by temperature change. Wait until the
instrument may be used to the ambient temp (About 10 min) and start measurement after
having made zero calibration again.
・Do not use for after purpose then the measurement of combustible gas, vapor and toxic
gas mixchares.
When measure the high density gas than LEL, the hung-up phenomenon.
When measure CH4 by vol%, do measure it as it is.
When make zero adjustment, remove the sampling base and supply fresh air sucked into
When measure by %LEL, make air cleaning of sampling hose and start to measure after
reading goes down to zero.