9. Words used in this manual
alarm delay time
time lag of the alarm to activate when test gas (concentration=alarm set points
value ×1.6) is drawn in the instrument.
alarm retardation time
a function to suppress noise effects and false alarms.
An operation to adjust the detectors readings to actual gas.
dust filter
a filter to prevent dust entering the instrument.
flow monitor
a monitor that roughly indicates the flow rate of air. This instruments flow rate is
over 1.0 litre/minute.
full scale
the maximum value of the detecting range.
gas adjustment
some times used as "gas calibration" or "calibration".
maintenance mode
a phase that cuts alarm signals to make maintenance easier.
point skip
a function to temporarily stop detecting and make maintenance easier.
a unit that stands for "parts per million".
warm up
time for the instrument to prepare detecting. The instrument needs time to
stabilise. False alarms may occur if the instrument is not stable.
zero suppression
a function to suppress interference and environmental noise effects.