6-3-2 Response to gas alarms
Dear customer, please consider and make rules what to do in case of gas alarm
activities. Follow the rules and act promptly.
The gas concentration level may be low when you confirm the condition, if the gas
leakage is instantaneous. Or, if the alarm activity was caused by noise and/or
incidental conditions.
Below is an example of action commonly done.
Confirm the reading on the LCD.
Evacuate people from the supervised area.
If the gas concentration level is still high, cut off the gas source/supply (close the
gas cylinders valve) and confirm that the concentration level gets lower.
Wear protective equipments to avoid risks, there is possibility of gas left in the
environment. Observe the gas concentration with a portable gas analyser.
Take measures after confirming there is no danger left.
6-3-3 False gas alarms
RI-2000R may activate gas alarms in some cases that are not caused by gas.
These are some examples.
Interference gases
Please ask your nearest agent about interferences.
Sensor’s deterioration with age
Please check this instrument daily and adjust it if adjustment is needed.
Noise caused by peripheral equipment
Please review the lines and installation site and add noise suppression parts if
needed. Lightning may cause temporal noise. If you find evidence regarding the
linkage of lightning, please add lightning suppression parts.