Hand Anchor
To prevent falls and
resulting injury, do not
use Rifton Anchors as a primary support
or as a standing support. Suction cups
may release.
To prevent falls and cuts, do not use
Rifton Anchors on thin glass.
Recommended use
Figure 15a:
Hand Anchors can be used on
the Prone Stander tray. They give the client
an anchor to control excessive movement
of the arms and encourage stabilization of
the shoulder girdle. The client may hold on
with both hands for stabilization training or
with one hand keeping the other hand free.
On a clean smooth Rifton tray, press
down on suction cup of hand Anchor and
turn handhold clockwise until secure. To
remove, turn handhold counterclockwise.
Figure 15a
Surface must be very smooth and
completely clean to get a strong seal.
If suction cup does not hold well, wipe
with a damp cloth or apply a thin layer
of petroleum jelly around the rim of the
rubber pad to enhance the vacuum.