Version 1.2
Buttons Enabled
This setting removes Local/Manual control via the Touch Pads.
The operation of the Actuator this can be re
instated through the Android App
when paired via Bluetooth to the RIFT® 400 and the electronics will need to be
manually Re
Set on completion of this feature being enabled or disabled.
Write To Flash
sets the custom settings into the Actuators Flash Memory. Notice of
Writing to Flash will appear briefly at the bottom of the screen
Reset Board Without Changing Settings
(Manual Re
this is a soft re
Similar to pressing Ctrl/Alt/Del on a standard computer please note that the fea-
tures & settings that have already been set, will not be lost)
Restore All Default Values
Hard Factory Re
Set. This should be a
Last Resort
as all paid for Features & Settings will have to be re
applied and imple-
This function will allow the customisation of the maximum torque the RIFT® 400 actuator will be allowed
to move to. The selection of this primarily is to offer protection to the valve the actuator is fitted to.
Torque Limit Back off allows the user to specify the angle that the actuator will back off if the Torque Limit
is reached.
The RIFT® 400 Actuator will display an Orange
on the top indicating that the Torque Limit has been
reached. This is a calculated function derived from Amperage draw from the Battery and the objective of
the movement, this feature should not be used below an agreed threshold and should be discussed with
the factory for further information.
This function will allow the RIFT® 400 Actuator to move the valve to a desired Safe position in the event of
external power failure when in Remote Control.
Fail Open
On Power Loss the Actuator will move to the Open Position
Fail Closed
On Power Loss the Actuator will move to the Closed Position
Fail to Specific Angle
This allows the User to specify the desired angle to move to on Loss of External
Failsafe Angle
Enter the Angle between 0° and 360° (0°
90° in normal operations)
(If the actuator is being used in Multi
Turn Mode and a larger angle than 360° can be set as the Failsafe
If the RIFT® 400 Actuator is in the Manual/Local Mode Failsafe will not action as Manual/Local Mode is a
safety feature and can only be removed manually via the touch pad or Android App (button)