4.1.1 The installation place of IPD-Ex must be in agreement with
relevant requirements.
4.1.2 The places for installation of the detectors must satisfy the
following conditions:
- exclude the possibility of moistening the detector with water and
water ingress from the mounting surface side;
- minimum vibration of structural units;
- minimum lighting;
- maximum distance from sources of electromagnetic interference
and infrared radiation (space heaters);
- ease of IPD-Ex installation, checking and removal convenience.
4.2 IPD-Ex installation and functional check.
4.2.1 The detector is connected to an alarm loop with the help
of a base into which it is fitted. The base is installed in the IPD-Ex
installation place.
4.2.2 Install the IPD-Ex base horizontally at a chosen place and
fasten it with screws.
4.2.3 Connect input wires to the IPD-Ex base in accordance with
the diagram (Figure 1). Maximum electrical conductor cross-section
area is 0.75 mm
1 Product overview
Smoke detector «IPD-Ex» (hereinafter, IPD-Ех) refers to intrinsically
safe electric equipment with «ia» level «intrinsically safe electric circuit»
explosion protection. The detector is designed for detecting ignitions
accompanied by smoke with subsequent transmission of an alarm
message to BRSS-Ex zone extension module (hereinafter, BRSS-Ex).
2 Features and Specifications
2.1 IPD-Ex has 0ЕхiаIIСТ6 Х explosion proof labeling.
2.2 Intrinsically safe electric circuits of IPD-Ex have the following
valid parameters:
- maximum input voltage (U
) – 16 V;
- maximum input current (I
) – 65 mA;
- maximum internal capacitance (C
) – 1000 pF;
- maximum internal inductivity (L
) – 0.01 mH.
2.3 Nominal voltage supply (U
) – 12 V.
2.4 IPD-Ex consumed current in standby mode does not exceed
2.5 IPD-Ex generates fire alarm messages by jump-in reducing of
internal resistance in normal polarity. Message is followed by built-in
LEDs lighting.
2.6 IPD-Ex continues generating response signal until it’s exposure
to combustion products finishes. Fire alarm message reset is fulfilled
by deenergizing the IPD-Ex for the time 2 sec or more.
2.7 The sensitivity of IPD-Ex corresponds to ambient smoke content
with optical density value from 0.14 dB/m.
2.8 The sensitivity value of IPD-Ex does not change from item to
item and does not depend on the following:
- the number of detector responses (repetance);
- the influence of air flows;
- orientation in respect of air flows direction;
- supply voltage.
2.9 IPD-Ex response delay – maximum 5 sec.
2.10 IPD-Ex current consumption in standby mode – maximum
2.11 IPD-Ex compensates optical chamber dustiness. After reaching
the limit of dustiness inside the protected area, IPDT-Ex generates
malfunction message followed by built-in LED indicators blinking with
1.25 sec interval.
2.12 Ambient class – Boreal climate (background temperature
15 – 35
С, relative humidity 25 – 75 %, air-pressure 86 – 106 kPa).
2.13 IPD-Ex IP rating is IP30.
2.14 IPD-Ex ensures safe operation when exposed to:
- power supply voltage variation within 8 … 14 V range;
- background natural and/or artificial illumitation of 12 000 lx or more;
- ambient temperature from minus 30 up to +55
- relative air humidity 93 % at tempe40
- impact of sinusoidal vibration with acceleration of 0.5 g within the
frequency range 10 ... 150 Hz;
- impact of the straight mechanical blow delivered with the energy
1.9 J.
2.15 IPD-Ex is resistant to electromagnetic interference.
2.16 IPD-Ex is designed for continuous operation around the clock.
2.17 Maximum dimensions of IPD-Ex are
125 x 70 mm.
2.18 Maximum weight of IPD-Ex is 0.2 kg.
2.19 IPD-Ex mean time to failure (MTTF) – at least 60 000 h.
2.20 IPD-Ex average service life (SL): at least 10 years.
3 Scope of Delivery
Each IPD-Ex unit package contains items listed in Table 1.
Table 1
Smoke detector «IPD-Ex»
Screw 3-3х30.016
Wall plug NAT 5х25
Smoke detector «IPD-Ex». Installation Guide
1 pc.
2 pcs.
2 pcs.
1 copy
4 Installation
4.1 Choosing a place for installation of the IPD-Ex.
=10 k
1 2
4 3
1 2
4 3
Figure 1 – Recommended pattern of IPD-Ex connection
to BRSS-Ex (the number of IPD-Ex connected to a
single BRSS-Ex loop should not exceed 10)
4.2.4 IPD-Ex maximum current value in the «Fire» alarm state is
3.5 mA; therefore, the detector may be connected to a fire alarm loop
without a current-limiting resistor. When it is necessary to reduce
operating current, a current-limiting resistor must be connected to
the detector in series.
4.2.5 Install the detector into the base and reliably fasten it to the
base by it’s turning as far as it will go.
4.2.6 Energize the BRSS-Ex. Make sure that it’s built-in indicators
display a standby mode.
4.2.7 Insert a reflector into the IPD-Ex through a hole in the center
of the optical chamber (any metal wire having about 1 mm in diameter
(a needle or a paper clip) may be used as a reflector). The detector
must transmit a «Fire» alarm signal to the BRSS-Ex with maximum delay
of 5 sec; it’s operation must be followed by the built-in LED indicators
lighting. After the reflector is removed from the optical chamber, the
«Fire» alarm signal should continue.
– In case the detector does not blink in standby mode and
does not operate after inserting a reflector, check the base and the
IPD-Ex contacts reliability.
4.2.8 Reset the «Fire» signal by deenergizing the detector for
2 sec or more.
4.2.9 Reenergize the loop to which the detector is connected. The
built-in indicator should display a standby mode. IPD-Ex is ready for
The detector must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or
blown with air at 0.5 – 2 kg/cm
pressure regularly (at least half-yearly).
After blowing, check the IPD-Ex operation as per Cls. –
4.2.10 The «3» and «4» contacts are closed to each other inside the
IPD-Ex, permitting the BRSS-Ex to diagnose the «Open loop» state in
case at least one IPD-Ex is removed from the fire alarm loop.
5 Protective Meas ures
5.1 Exploitation of the IPD-Ex should be fulfilled in accordance
with rules of technical exploitation and protective measures for
electricity-generating equipment.
5.2 Fulfill the IPD-Ex installation with the external power switched off.
6 Manufacturer’s Guarantees
6.1 The manufacturer guarantees conformity of the IPD-Ex to the
specifications provided the transportation, storage, installation and
operation conditions are observed.
6.2 The guaranteed shelf life of an IPD-Ex is 42 months since the
date of manufacture. The guaranteed useful life is 36 months since the
day of putting into operation within the guaranteed shelf life.
6.3 An IPD-Ex that is found non-conforming to the requirements of
specifications should be repaired by the manufacturer.
Explosion-proof Fire and Security
Installation Guide