Description of the appliance
The condensing thermal unit
TAU Unit
is a hot water generator,
with high thermal efficiency, for the heating of environments
and production of domestic hot water (DHW) coupled to an ex-
ternal heater.
The boiler body is in high alloy stainless steel and develops ver-
tically ensuring maximum duration and reliability, meeting at
the same time the most stringent national and European reg-
ulations on the emission of heavy metals in condensate drain
The double return hydraulic circuit (high or low temperature) fa-
vours temperature stratification inside the body and optimises
the performance.
The boiler body is covered in high density glass wool insulation
to reduce heat loss.
The pre-mixed microflame burner with power modulation ratio
1:10 ensures low polluting emissions (NOx and CO) in compliance
with the most stringent European Regulations.
The thermoregulation with user interface and display in the
control panel
TAU Unit
allows managing the safety and control
devices in compliance with current regulation. By connecting
the external probe it is possible to activate the climatic control
function of the heating circuit, enhancing the seasonal energy
recovery characteristics.
The thermoregulation adapts with flexibility to the different sys-
tem needs; for example, it is possible to increase the number
of heating circuits supplied with high and low temperature and
connect the devices
TAU Unit
in cascade (see accessories Cata-
Safety and control devices
The thermal unit
TAU Unit
is equipped with the most advanced
safety and regulation systems available on the market.
Each fault is signalled through a numeric error code displayed
on the screen and stops the equipment causing the automatic
closure of the gas valve.
The following are installed on the water circuit:
Safety thermostat
: on the body of the generator, it inter-
venes to stop the appliance if the temperature exceeds
the threshold limit of 110°C.
Delivery temperature probe
: immersion probe on the
delivery line of the generator is used by the regulator
to view and check the delivery water temperature and
check the correct switching on and off of the equipment
based on the programmed setpoint. The regulator uses
the same probe to stop the generator in case of overtem-
perature, before the triggering of the safety thermostat.
Return temperature probe
: the contact probe placed
on the return line of the boiler is used by the regula-
tor to view the return water temperature with which it
calculates, together with the delivery temperature, the
temperature difference between delivery and return (
which allows regulating the modulation of the thermal
unit circulation pump in heating mode.
Flue gas thermostat
: placed in the lower part of the
exchanger, it triggers with high flue gas temperature
Flue gas probe
: placed in the lower part of the exchang-
er, causes a temporary error if the temperature of the
combustion products exceeds 85°C, and a permanent
error if it exceeds 90°C.
Through specific inlets and outlets, the thermoregulation
allows managing the following optional safety devices out-
side the equipment:
INAIL safety devices
: the safety devices (minimum pres-
sure switch and lockout pressure switch) present in the
INAIL kit (optional) must be connected to the specific in-
let indicated with "INAIL" in the terminal board. If one
of the connected devices triggers, the equipment is set
immediately to lockout status (permanent error) and can
be restarted only after removing the fault and manually
resetting the safety device.
Pressure transducer or water minimum pressure switch
the connection of one of the two optional devices, to be
carried out by the installer, allows the thermoregulation
to continuously view and check the pressure of the pri-
mary circuit to start or stop the equipment in case of low
LPG fuel shut-off solenoid valve
: the thermoregulation,
via a programmable output, allows managing (based on
the designated type of fuel and system) the fuel shut-off
solenoid valve for LPG, installed outside the equipment
by the installer.
Gas minimum pressure switch
: a specific outlet is pres-
ent for the connection of the gas minimum pressure
switch (optional) to be installed outside the equipment.
The device will continuously check the correct inlet gas
pressure to start or stop the equipment in case of low
The triggering of the safety devices indicates a potentially
dangerous malfunctioning of the equipment. Therefore,
immediately contact the Technical Assistance Service.
Safety devices must be replaced by Technical Assistance
Service, using only original parts. Refer to the spare parts
catalogue supplied with the appliance. After the repair per-
form an ignition test and check that the equipment works
The appliance must not be put in service, even temporarily,
when tampered safety devices are not in operation or have
been tampered with.