Information and general warnings
Guarantee and responsibility
The manufacturer guarantees its new products from the installa-
tion date, in accordance with the regulations in force and/or the
sales contract. At the moment of the first start-up, check that the
burner is integral and complete.
In particular, the rights to the guarantee and the responsibility will
no longer be valid, in the event of damage to things or injury to
people, if such damage/injury was due to any of the following
incorrect installation, start-up, use and maintenance of the
improper, incorrect or unreasonable use of the burner;
intervention of unqualified personnel;
carrying out of unauthorised modifications on the equip-
use of the burner with safety devices that are faulty, incor-
rectly applied and/or not working;
installation of untested supplementary components on the
powering of the burner with unsuitable fuels;
faults in the fuel supply system;
continuation of use of the burner when a fault has occured
repairs and/or overhauls incorrectly carried out;
modification of the combustion chamber with inserts that
prevent the regular development of the structurally estab-
lished flame;
insufficient and inappropriate surveillance and care of those
burner components most likely to be subject to wear and
the use of non-original components, including spare parts,
kits, accessories and optional;
force majeure.
The manufacturer furthermore declines any and every re-
sponsibility for the failure to observe the contents of this
Riello warranty is subject to correct burner, appliance and appli-
cation matching, and set up in line with Riello's instructions and
guidelines. All components within the hydraulic circuit suitable for
bio fuel use and supplied by Riello will be identified as Bio com-
patible. No warranty is given in relation to the use of components
which are not so identified with bio fuel blends. If in any doubt
please contact Riello for further advice.
If any Riello burners are used with fuel with a bio content >10%
then the components within the hydraulic circuit maybe affected
and are not covered under warranty. The hydraulic circuit con-
sists of;
– Pump
– Hydraulic ram (where applicable)
– Valve block
– Flexible oil lines (considered as a consumable component)
Irrespective of any warranty given by Riello in relation to
normal use and manufacturing defects, when fuels not
meeting the relevant standards are used, or where fuel stor-
age issues have not been addressed correctly, or the equip-
ment used is not compatible, if failures occur which are
directly or indirectly attributed to such issues and/or to the
non-observance of this guidance, then no warranty or liabil-
ity is implied or accepted by Riello.
Riello have carefully chosen the specification of the bio
compatible components including the flexible oil lines to
protect the pump, safety value and nozzle. The Riello war-
ranty is dependent upon the use of Riello genuine compo-
nents including the oil lines, being used.
Riello warranty does not cover defects arising from incorrect
commissioning or servicing by non Riello employed service
engineers, and any issues impacting the burner arising from
external site related issues.
Guidance for the use of bio fuel blends up to 10%
With increasing focus on renewable and sustainable energy re-
quirements, Bio fuel usage is set to increase. Riello is committed
to promoting energy conservation and the use of renewable en-
ergy from sustainable resources including liquid bio fuels, howev-
er there are some technical aspects that must be considered at
the planning stage of using such fuels to reduce the potential for
equipment failure or the risks of fuel leakage.
Liquid Bio fuel is a generic description used for oil that can come
from numerous feed stocks including recycled cooking oils.
These types of oils have to be considered and treated differently
from standard mineral or fossil fuels, as they are generally more
acidic, hydroscopic and less stable.
Due to this, a holistic approach is needed from the specification
of the liquid Bio fuel, the storage of the fuel, its oil supply line and
ancillary equipment, and very importantly the oil filtration and the
burner itself. The specification for FAME (Fatty Acids Methyl Es-
ter) liquid Bio fuel is critical to reliable equipment operation.
It is a minimum requirement that the fuel blend (up to 10% Bio) is
obtained with gasoil in accordance with the relevant EN stand-
ards, regional regulations and FAME in accordance with EN
14214. It is also important that the fuel blends meet the require-
ments related to operational environment conditions within the
relevant EN standards.
When choosing your Riello oil products where you know Bio fuels
will be in use, please make sure that a Bio compatible burner and/
or components have been supplied. If an existing burner is to be
used with a liquid Bio fuel then a kit may be required to make it
compatible and the guidance notes enclosed concerning oil stor-
age and filtration must be adhered to. The end user is responsible
for the thorough verification of the potential risks associated with
the introduction of a bio fuel blend and the suitability of the appli-
ances and installation applicable.
Irrespective of any warranty given by Riello in relation to normal
use and manufacturing defects, when fuels not meeting the rele-
vant standards are used, or where fuel storage issues have not
been addressed correctly, or the equipment used is not compat-
ible, if failures occur which are directly or indirectly attributed to
such issues and/or to the non-observance of this guidance, then
no warranty or liability is implied or accepted by Riello.
Failure to observe the information given in this
manual, operating negligence, incorrect installa-
tion and carrying out of non authorised modifica-
tions will result in the annulment by the
manufacturer of the guarantee that it supplies with
the burner.