It is very important to know how to operate your vehicle correctly.
NOTE: remember that you must not leave the motor running in an enclosed area, as the toxic gas from the
exhaust could cause serious health problems.
The most important period of your motorcycle’s life is between 0 and 500 kilometres and because of this we
ask you to read the following instructions carefully. In the first 500 kilometres, the motorcycle must not be
overworked as the motor is new and the different parts of the motor have to wear in, until it works perfectly.
During this period, avoid prolonged use of the motorcycle at high revolutions or in conditions that could cause
Open the petrol tap.
If the motor is cold, fully open the choke lever.
Turn the ignition key one position clockwise and check the engine is in neutral, with the throttle closed depress
the kick start to turn the engine over in MRX model.
After a few kicks the engine should fire, allow the kick start to return to its rest position.
On SMX model, depress the kick start or press the starter button to turn on the engine over with the electric start.
Manual Usuari Angles MRXSMX-MRXPROSMXPRO.qxp 30/09/2004 11:53 PÆgina 19