Ridge Tool Company
Scout™ Sonde and Line Locator
Appendix B
Other Useful Information
Signal Interference
Distorted Fields
Sometimes a single field may encounter metal or other
ferrous material in the ground that may distort the field
lines. It may be another utility, buried scrap or old unused
lines that can shunt or shorten the field lines. In this
case the Scout may display a weaker signal around the
object and a stronger signal directly above it. The object
may act as a lens that amplifies or weakens signal un-
Figure 1
Composite Fields
Composite fields are also possible. Where a single field
meets another, the two, or more, may create a stronger
signal. It is important for operators to understand this
around “Ts” or right angles in the line, where composite
fields are often encountered.
Figure 2 – Composite field shown around a connection
in the line.
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