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Care and Maintenance
For your own safety, checks and maintenance should be performed regularly.
The body work should require little or no maintenance.
In line with traditional practice a wipe over with an oily rag should keep the body in a
presentable condition.
Any chips in the paint work should be sealed with a suitable acrylic paint.
Do not use solvents to clean as it may damage the paint.
Regularly wipe the exposed paint work of the top deck with an oily cloth or wax
furniture polish. Not only will this help protect the paint it will help stop the rubber
body trim sticking to the deck.
If you have metal buttons or belt buckle take care not to scratch the chassis when
Every 5-10 uses
lightly oil the delrin gears on the bogies using a light thin oil. In dusty conditions
increase the frequency of oiling
If cranked version oil the axles between the cranks and the axle box. Also oil the
Check battery leads and control leads for mechanical damage
Check all bolts are all in place.
Meshing of the gears. The metal spur gear should be able to move very slightly
without moving the delrin gear. A thin piece of paper wound between the gears
should see the gears lock together. Adjust the meshing if the gears are too loose.
Every 20-30 Outings or yearly
Grease the rubbing plates between the bogies and chassis. This requires taking the
bogie bolts off and lifting the chassis to allow access underneath
All electrical connections for tightness. Tighten where necessary.
Using an 8mm spanner check the tightness of the motor mount bolts. The top bolt
may require the bogies to be dropped.
Oil the iolite bushes on the motor mounts
Transportation is often overlooked and yet has potentially the highest risk to users.
1. The locomotive should always be secured in transit. In many countries it is a legal
requirement. Ideally all heavy objects should be separated from passenger
behind the steel bulkhead of the rear seats.
2. Wet cell batteries should be tied down to avoid acid spillage. Any wet on the
batteries should be wiped with a disposable cloth. If it comes in to contact with skin
or clothing wash immediately with plenty of clean water.
3. Avoid reaching in to cars with heavy loads. Try to roll or slide heavy weights to make
a better lifting position.