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Copyright (c) 2011 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All rights reserved.
Login password
A password associated with each login user name.
A type of behaviour to deny login of particular users.
Auto logout
A function for automatic user logout if no access is attempted from the
Operation Panel or Web Function before the predetermined auto logout time
Auto logout time for the Operation Panel:
Time specified by the MFP administrator within 60 to 999 seconds.
Auto logout time for the Web Function:
30 minutes (this cannot be changed by users). This auto logout time is also
referred to as "fixed auto logout time".
Minimum Character No.
The minimum number of registrable password digits.
Password Complexity
The minimum combination of the characters and symbols that can be used as
registrable passwords.
There are four types of characters: uppercase and lower case alphabets, digits
and symbols.
There are Level 1 and Level 2 Password Complexity Settings. Level 1 requires a
password to be a combination of two or more types of characters and symbols
specified above. Level 2 requires a password to be a combination of three or
more types of characters and symbols specified above.
Basic Authentication
One of the procedures for identification and authentication of TOE users who
are authorised to use the TOE. The TOE authenticates TOE users by using the
login user names and the login passwords registered on the TOE.
External Authentication
One of the procedures for identification and authentication of TOE users who
are authorised to use the TOE. The TOE authenticates TOE users by using the
login user names and the login passwords registered on the external
authentication server connected to the MFP via LAN. External Authentication
implemented in the TOE includes Windows Authentication, LDAP
Authentication, and Integration Server Authentication. Windows Authentication
supports NTLM Authentication and Kerberos Authentication. As for this ST, the
term "External Authentication" refers to Windows Authentication using
Kerberos Authentication method.
An abbreviation of hard disk drive. In this document, unless otherwise specified,
"HDD" indicates the HDD installed on the TOE.
User job
A sequence of operations of each TOE function (Copy Function, Document
Server Function, Scanner Function, Printer Function and Fax Function) from
beginning to end. A user job may be suspended or cancelled by users during
operation. If a user job is cancelled, the job will be terminated.
General term for paper documents and electronic documents used in the TOE.
Document data
Attributes of document data, such as +PRT, +SCN, +CPY, +FAXOUT,
+FAXIN, and +DSR.
One of the document data attributes. Documents printed from the client
computer, or documents stored in the TOE by locked print, hold print, and
sample print using the client computer.