Screen Saver
when panel is idle(these is no operation in 10 second),
displayer will enter saver status. When set as ‘mode 1’
saver status is
close display, as ‘mode 2’ saver status will display DMX address code(DMX
MODE) or display LOGO(AUTO RUN or SOUND CTRL). As ‘OFF’, keep
light up displayer and show main menu
Screen Rotation
rotate displayer.
Touch enable
Disable or enable touch function, when disable, use
encoder to operate light and set parameter.
Touch adjust
adjust touch function, normally, not enter this item.
Figure7 page of display
Test light
Enter the page as shown in Figure 8, Light will into test mode, in this mode, the
light does not receive the data for DMX controller.:
PAN: range for 0 to 255;
TILT: range for 0 to 255;
FOCUS: range for 0 to 255;
COLOR: range for 0 to 255;
GOBO: range for 0 to 255;
PRISM: range for 0 to 255;
FROST: range for 0 to 255;
STROBE: range for 0 to 255;