This manual is intended for use by technicians
responsible for installing and servicing the
series truck scale. You will find that the
truck scale has been designed so that your
on-site installation time is reduced as much as
possible. A well-organized, experienced installation
crew should be able to install a typical 70’x 11’ truck
scale in one day.
This booklet covers the
PT Pit-Type
truck scale
installations. Use these instructions as general installation
guidelines unless the engineering drawings furnished with
your scale differ from the instruction in this booklet.
Engineering drawings furnished with your scale always take
priority over these general installation guidelines.
Refer to the engineering drawings furnished with the scale for
all component numbering sequences.
A u t h o r i z e d d i s t r i b u t o r s a n d t h e i r
employees can view or download this
manual from the Rice Lake Weighing
S y s t e m s d i s t r i b u t o r s i t e a t
The modular sections of the SURVIVOR
PT Pit-Type
truck scale are shipped pre-assembled and ready to be
placed into position on temporary setting blocks using a crane capable of handling 10,000 lbs. The individual
modules are bolted together and the deck is leveled in final position flush with the top of the pit. Mounts are
shipped pre-assembled with load cells, adapters, and flexible conduit sections attached. Mounts are installed to
the level of the deck, then anchored and grouted to the foundation. Cabling is run in conduit and electronic
equipment connected to finish the installation.
The general assembly order is summarized below:
1. Set deck modules into position on setting blocks and bolt deck modules together.
2. Install outriggers and deck channel coping.
3. Place deck into final position even with top of pit.
4. Assemble mounts with load cells to the deck unit; remove setting blocks.
5. Install mount anchor bolts and grout beneath mount plates.
6. Install corrugated sheet metal, rebar and pour concrete.
7. Run cabling through conduit; make electrical connections.
8. Connect indicator and peripheral devices.
9. Calibrate scale.
Foundation Slab Cure Period
Standard concrete reaches full strength after a 28-day cure. Note that the concrete foundation must cure in a
moist state for at least seven days (three days for high-early concrete). At seven days, standard concrete is
approximately 75% of its maximum strength and can handle moderate loads. Loading of a slab before it reaches
75% of maximum strength may damage the foundation.
Assembly Time Estimates
When scheduling installation for a typical three-section, 70' truck scale, plan for a two-hour minimum crane
rental to position the sections.
A two-man crew, aided by a crane operator, can unload modules from the truck, place them into position and bolt
them together in one to two hours. Mount and load cell installation requires approximately two hours. All
electrical wiring and final connections can normally be completed the same day.
Note: These estimated times may vary.