RL9000 Series Weigh Module Kit
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• Use only hermetically sealed load cells in wash down applications. environmentally
protected load cells are not suitable for such applications and will be damaged. If tanks
and surrounding equipment are frequently steam cleaned or if the load cell is subjected
to direct wash down, a protective shroud for the weighing assembly is recommended.
Proper drainage is necessary so the weighing assembly is not standing in water.
• All support points should be equally stiff so that they deflect by the same amount as the
vessel is loaded.
4.2 Weigh Module Installation
The type of installation and strength of the mounting surface governs the method of
locating, attaching, and installing the mount assembly. Three areas which commonly
cause accuracy problems to consider:
• Are the supporting legs adequately braced so they will not spread when the system is
fully loaded?
• Does the supporting structure have the necessary strength to prevent excessive
deflection when the system is fully loaded?
• Is there attached equipment such as skirting, venting, or piping that could cause binding
or lack of flexibility?
Use the following steps to install the weigh module assembly:
1. Determine where to position each mount. The modules are designed to allow for
lateral movement in any direction.
Figure 4.1
illustrates sample mounting
orientations to accommodate different vessel shapes.
Figure 4-2. Mounting Orientations
2. Make necessary preparations to the mounting surfaces. A 1'' sub plate can be used
to ensure a good mounting surface.
3. Lift and block the vessel to the same height as assembled mounts.
4. Slide mount into position.
Load Plate
Base Plate
Caulk supplied
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