Print Formatting
© Rice Lake Weighing Systems
All Rights Reserved
Print Formatting
The 680 provides multiple print formats, GFMT, NFMT, ACUMFMT, STPTFMT and HDRFMT, which determine the format of the
printed output when the
key is pressed. If a tare has been entered or acquired, NFMT is used; otherwise, GFMT is used.
Each print format can be customized to include up to 1000 characters of information, such as company name and address, on
printed tickets. Use the print format menu through front panel of the indicator to customize the print formats.
Press the down arrow to view the ASCII character decimal value on the second menu level.
to view the ASCII character chart.
8.1 Print Formatting Tokens
lists tokens which can be used to configure the print formats. Tokens included in the format strings must be enclosed
between < and > delimiters. Characters outside of the delimiters are printed as text on the ticket. Text characters can include
ASCII characters which can be printed by the output device.
Gross weight in displayed units
Gross weight in non-displayed units***
Net weight in displayed units
Net weight in non-displayed units***
Tare weight in displayed units
Tare weight in non-displayed units***
Accumulated weight in displayed units
Number of accumulator events (5 digit counter)
Date of last accumulator event
Time of last accumulator event
Unit ID number
Consecutive number
New line (nn = number of termination (<CR/LF> or <CR>) characters)*
Space (nn = number of spaces)*
Toggle weight data format (formatted/unformatted)** ***
Date (prints 4 digit year)
Time & Date
Setpoint captured value
Setpoint target value
Setpoint mode (Net or Gross)
Setpoint number
Gross, net, and tare weights are 9 digits in length, including sign (10 digits with decimal point) followed by a
space and a two-digit units identifier. Total field length with units identifier is 12 (or 13) characters.
UID and consecutive number (CN) fields are 6 characters in length.
* If nn is not specified, 1 is assumed. Value must be in the range 1–99.
** After receiving an SU command, the indicator sends unformatted data until the next SU command is
received. Unformatted data omits decimal points, and leading and trailing characters.
*** Not available if regulatory mode is set to OIML.
Table 8-1. Print Format Tokens