EtherNet/IP Installation and Programming Manual
Command Descriptions
For all commands that require a scale number, a value
of 0 indicates the current scale. Unless otherwise specified,
the indicator returns weight and status data for the specified
Return Status and Current Weight as Integer
Command: 0, 0x000
Parameter: Scale number
Command 0 returns the status and weight of the
specified scale in integer format, without changing the
d i s p l a y. T h i s c o m m a n d a l s o c a u s e s t h e
format-independent commands to return a value in the
integer format.
Display Channel
Command: 1, 0x001
Parameter: Scale number
Command 1 causes the weight of the specified scale to
be displayed and returned in its current mode and
format. This command is valid for the
Display Gross Weight
Command: 2, 0x002
Parameter: Scale number
Command 2 causes the gross weight of the specified
scale to be displayed and returned.
Display Net Weight
Command: 3, 0x003
Parameter: Scale number
Command 3 causes the net weight of the specified
scale to be displayed and returned.
Display Piece Count
Command: 4, 0x004
Parameter: Scale number
Command 4 causes the piece count on the specified
scale to be displayed and returned. This command is
valid only for the
indicator, and only if count
mode is enabled.
Gross/Net Key Press (toggle mode)
Command: 9, 0x009
Parameter: Scale number
Command 9 toggles between gross and net mode (and
count mode, if enabled). If a scale number other than 0
is specified, the action may not be evident until the
specified scale is displayed.
Command: 10, 0x00A
Parameter: Scale number
Command 10 performs a zero operation on the current
Display Tare
Command: 11, 0x00B
Parameter: Scale number
Command 11 causes the tare weight on the specified
scale to be displayed. If a scale number other than 0 is
specified, the indicator first causes the specified scale
to be displayed. The tare data continues being
returned even if the display times out and returns to
another mode.
Enter Tare (integer)
Command: 12, 0x00C
Parameter: Scale number
Value: Tare weight
Command 12 enters a tare for the scale selected. Tare
data must be in integer format. The indicator
continues to return weight data in the current mode for
the specified scale.
Acquire Tare (simulate TARE key press)
Command: 13, 0x00D
Parameter: Scale number
Command 13 acquires a tare based on the weight
currently on the specified scale. The indicator
continues to return weight data in the current mode for
the specified scale.
Clear Tare
Command: 14, 0x00E
Parameter: Scale number
Command 14 clears the tare for the specified scale.
The indicator continues to return weight data in the
current mode for the specified scale.
Primary Units
Command: 16, 0x010
Parameter: Scale number
Command 16 switches the current format of the
specified scale to the primary units configured for that
Secondary Units
Command: 17, 0x011
Parameter: Scale number
Command 17 switches the current format of the
specified scale to the secondary units configured for
that scale.
Tertiary Units
Command: 18, 0x012
Parameter: Scale number
Command 18 switches the current format of the
specified scale to the tertiary units configured for that
scale, if available. This command is valid for the
Units Key Press (toggle units)
Command: 19, 0x013
Parameter: Scale number
Command 19 toggles the current format of the
specified scale to the next units configured for that
scale, as available.