G.SHDSL Router
Version 1
VCMUX : VC-based Multiplexing
Select from the drop-down list..
5.4.2 Port Setup
This function is used to configure the LAN port settings. You can setup the operating mode and
the speed of the LAN port, and maximum frame size
5.4.3 E1 port
Creating Bundles and Connections of E1 service, to setup E1 circuit emulation between 2 DSL
modems, each E1 port of the modem should be given an IP Address and a MAC address.
Vlan Mode
Vlan Mode Enable can be one of -
Disabled: This is a VLAN Disabled option.Disable the egress mode with vlan tag
Enable: This is a VLAN Enable option.Set the egress mode with vlan tag.
This field specifies XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.
This field specifies XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX.
FCS Enable
FCS can be one of -
Disabled: This is a FCS Disabled option.Ethernet packet received from WAN