Rhodan Marine Systems • 8297 Blaikie Court • Sarasota, Florida 34240 • Phone 941-706-4578 • Fax 941-706-4579
To place the system in Track Mode, press the button with the “T” symbol
on the wireless fob. The Track Mode automatically locks in the boat’s cur-
rent heading and controls the steering to maintain a constant track, acting
as an “Autotrack” to compensate for wind or current disturbances. The
operator can adjust the speed or track heading by using the directional
controls on the wireless fob.
The unit will emit 1 “beep” to indicate that
it has entered Track Mode.
The unit will emit 2 “growls” and exit this
mode if there is no GPS fix.
The unit will maintain its previous speed if Track Mode is selected from
the Manual Mode. Otherwise, the unit will gradually ramp to 40% forward
speed to maintain the track. Pressing the Up-Arrow button increases the
thruster’s forward speed. The Down-Arrow button decreases the thruster’s
forward speed. Reverse operation is disabled in this mode.
The unit will “beep” when the thruster reaches
100% forward speed or when it is stopped.
The “Track Course” may be adjusted in precise 5-degree increments by
pressing the Left or Right Arrow buttons on the wireless fob.
The unit will emit 1 “beep” each time the track heading is changed.
In this mode, the steering is automatic, but the thrust level is user se-
lected. In extreme wind or current it is necessary for the user to select
a speed setting with adequate thrust to overcome the disturbances and remain
The direction the boat is pointed when this mode is selected will
become the “Track Course”. The thruster will pull the bow of the boat
along this course in a straight line. The boat itself may seem to point somewhat
“off track” due to cross-wind or cross-track currents.