Care and cleaning of the water heater.
Vacation and Extended Shut-Down
NOTICE: Refer to the
Hydrogen Gas Caution
in the Operating
extreme care to avoid
falling while on a ladder
or the roof. If a roof
section does not appear
to be solid under foot, do
not subject it to any
added weight until it is
adequately reinforced.
Once your system has been installed
and tested by the technician, it
operates automatically and requires
little attention. However, there are
several precautions you should be
aware of to ensure your complete
satisfaction with the system, and some
steps you must take if you are going
to be away from home for a long
time, and when the seasons change.
Vacations or Brief Absences
If you are going to be away from
home for an extended period, two
weeks or more - you may consider
deactivating the system so that it does
not continue to heat the water tank
while hot water is not being used in
the house.
Deactivating or reactivating this
system requires you to access the
system on your roof.
Deactivating the System
If you choose not to perform the
procedures listed below, call your
authorized service technician to
deactivate or reactivate your system.
Deactivating the system is easy to
complete in a few steps.
1. Turn OFF the power to the system
at the or at the main solar breaker
switch near the main power
breaker box.
2. Cover the collectors with
cardboard or other sturdy light-
blocking material. Tie or tape the
material securely so it will not
blow off.
When you return, simply reverse the
procedures to reactivate the system.
1. Uncover the collectors carefully to
avoid scratching the surfaces.
2. Turn ON the power to the system
or at the main solar breaker switch
near the main power breaker box.
NOTICE: If this system is your
only source of hot water, be sure
you turn on the power to the
backup at the circuit breaker.
This system requires about four (4)
hours to heat a tank of cold water
using the backup heater.
A warm tank will heat in less time.
As with any other hot water system,
gas, electric or solar, you should not
drink water directly from the
Severe Cold Weather, Snow or
Extended Absences
If the collectors are likely to be
covered with snow for an extended
time, or if the system will not be used
for one month or longer, the water
heater and piping should be drained to
prevent freezing or stagnant water.
After a long shut-down period, the
water heater’s operation and controls
should be checked by qualified
service personnel. Make certain the
water heater is completely filled again
before placing it in operation. Call
your local dealer and arrange for a
qualified service technician to
perform this operation.