Perform STEP 2
Perform STEP 3
Reapply Power to the Unit
Put thermostat fan setting to "CONTINUOUS FAN"
Set thermostat so neither heating or cooling is called
Connect Economizer Wire Harness to Unit
Check Thermostat Connections
Check for 24 VAC at Unit Transformer
Check Unit Wire Harness
24 VAC power
available between terminal TR and TR1?
Are all LED's off &
outside air damper fully closed?
Check Economizer Controller Model Number
Perform STEP 2 & STEP 3 again.
If problem continues, replace controller
Turn down thermostat setting so that a call for cooling is present.
If one
stage of cooling
is called by the
thermostat, do first stage
compressor(s) run? If both stages
are called, do both stages
of compressors
Check Thermostat Wiring
Check Unit Wiring Harness
Check Economizer Wiring
Harness. Check Unit wiring
harness at economizer
connection for proper terminal
Set enthalpy potentiometer on economizer controller to A (fully CCW).
The "Free Cooling" LED turns on & the EXH LED turns on.
If only one stage of cooling is called by the thermostat, then that stage
will turn off. If two stages are called by the thermostat, then only the
second stage will turn off. The power exhaust (optional) contacts will
close after 60 +/- 30 seconds. The outside air damper opens
approximately 50% (this position is determined by the actual resistance
of the 5.6k ohm resistor placed across terminals T and T1).
Set enthalpy potentiometer to D (fully CW).
Recheck STEP 2 and STEP 3. If LED’s turn on and damper motor
does not operate, measure voltage between terminals 24V COM and
(+ (white wire)). If approximately 6 VDC is present, replace damper
actuator. If voltage not present, or LED’s do not light replace controller.
The "Free Cooling" LED turns off & the EXH LED turns off.
If only one stage of cooling is called by the thermostat, then that stage
will turn back on. If two stages are called by the thermostat, then both
stages will turn on. The power exhaust (optional) contacts open & the
outside air damper fully closes.
Set enthalpy potentiometer back to A (fully CCW).
Remove 5.6k ohm resistor and jumper terminals T to T1.
The "Free Cooling" LED turns on & the EXH LED turns on. If only one
stage of cooling is called by the thermostat, then that stage will turn off.
If two stages of cooling are called by the thermostat, then only the
second stage will turn off. The power exhaust (optional) contacts will
close after 60 +/- 30 seconds. The outside air damper fully opens
Remove jumper from terminals T to T1 and leave open (simulates the
Freeze Protect mode).
The "Free Cooling" LED remains on & the EXH LED turns off.
If only one stage of cooling is called by the thermostat, then that stage
will remain off. If two stages of cooling are called by the thermostat,
then only the second stage will remain off. The power exhaust
(optional) contacts opens & the outside air damper fully closes
Economizer Controller, Actuator, Wiring are correct.
Remove resistors, reconnect wires, and set up
potentiometers per jobsite requirements.
Recheck STEP 2 and STEP 3.
If problem continues replace controller
If one
stage of cooling
is called by the
thermostat, do first stage
compressor(s) run? If both stages
are called, do both stages
of compressors
Unplug Economizer Wire Harness from Unit Wire harness and Install
Jumper Plug (Jumpers Y1 Thermostat to Y1 Compressor and Jumpers
Y2 Thermostat to Y2 Compressor)