HPC and LPC are not installed on (-)A13**AJINA,
but can be field installed using the followiing
kit numbers: RXAB-A0z (high pressure control)
and RXAC-A0Z (low pressure control)� These
controls keep the compressor from operating in
pressure ranges which can cause damage to the
compressor� Both controls are in the low-voltage
control circuit�
The high-pressure control (HPC) is an automatic-
reset which opens near 610 PSIG and closes near
420 PSIG�
The low-pressure control (LPC) is an automatic-
reset which opens near 15 PSIG and closes near
40 PSIG�
The compressor has
an internal overload protector� Under some
conditions, it can take up to 2 hours for this
overload to reset� Make sure overload has had
time to reset before condemning the compressor�
High- and Low-Pressure Controls (HPC and LPC)