you can unplug from the wall, then unplug the microphone plug from the charging socket.
Charging Method II
1. Switch off the Powerchair.
2. Remove the battery from the slot under the chassis and place on a sturdy surface.
3. Charge the battery by plugging the charger into the charging port on the battery box.
4. Plug the charger into the wall plug.
5. When charging starts, the red indicator light will come on. The charging period differs as
per the status and temperature etc of the battery, normally it lasts 8-12 hours. After charging
finishes, the indicate light turn to green and charging automatically interrupts.
6. Once the indicator light turns to green it indicates the charging is completed. At this time,
you can unplug from the wall, then unplug the microphone plug from the charging socket.
7. If a second battery is in use, repeat the above instructions for the second battery. Replacing
each battery as it is fully charged.
Notice: It is better to charge the batteries for a further 2 hours after the
indicate light becomes green, this will increase the battery’s lifespan.
Charging Modes
Charging Modes
P a g e
9 | 22