Save Configuration
This page allows you to save a “Good” Configuration into the Router’s memory.
After you have successfully configured the Router, you can save this “Good Config” into memory.
You can retrieve this “Good Config” later, if you have messed up some settings and do not know
what was the previous working setting. If you have even forgotten the password to get into the
configuration pages, you would have to do a Factory Reset to the Router.
There are 3 levels of configuration settings in the Router.
Saved/Updated by:
Loaded when:
Running Config
Every time you make a change and
click Apply, it is saved into Running
Config. The changes take effect
after a power on/off.
Every power up.
Good Config
Manually saving the settings in
“Save Last Known Good
Manually restoring it in the
“Restore Settings” page.
Factory Default
There is no way to change the
Factory Default settings!
When you press the
Reset button at the back
of the Router for 10
Most users would not need this “Good Config” feature.
Just remember to
every time you make a change.