2008 by RF Monolithics,
M-0500-0000 Rev D
does not create reserved time slots for remotes, extending the hop duration this way al-
lows several uncoordinated transmissions of user data and/or periodic/event reports to ar-
rive in the same slot with a relatively few collisions.
The performance of a CSMA Mode 1 system can often be helped by setting the Min-
PacketLength and TxTimeout parameters on any remotes running transparent mode to
non-zero values, especially if host messages only contain a few bytes each and transmis-
sion latency is not critical. For starting point values, set the MinPacketLength equal to the
RemoteSlotSize and TxTimeout to at least three times the hop duration. This will help
avoid excessive transmission collisions due to having many packets transmitted, each car-
rying only a small amount of user data on top of the relatively large packet overhead
For Example 2, consider a TDMA Mode 2 or 3 system operating at 500 kb/s. Up to 10
registered remotes need to be accommodated. A BaseSlotSize of 138 bytes is needed, and
each remote needs enough slot time to support a RemoteSlotSize of 64 bytes. The mini-
mum hop duration needed to support this configuration is:
= 2.388 + 10*0.970 + 0.0160*(138 + 10*64)
= 12.088 + 0.0160*778
= 24.536 ms
The closest programmable hop duration is 24.550 ms.
In all TDMA modes, the base station operating system will commandeer one byte from
the BaseSlotSize allocation for each registered remote to send ACKs to the remotes. The
BaseSlotSize and MinPacketLength should be sized accordingly.
2.7.4 Serial Port Operation
DNT500 networks are often used for wireless communication of serial data. The
DNT500 supports serial baud rates from 1.2 to 460.8 kb/s. Listed in the table below are
the supported data rates and their related byte data rates and byte transmission times for
an 8N1 serial port configuration:
Baud Rate
Byte Data Rate
Byte Transmission Time
1.2 0.12
2.4 0.24
4.8 0.48
9.6 0.96
19.2 1.92
38.4 3.84
115.2 11.52 0.0868
230.4 23.04 0.0434
460.8 46.08 0.0217
To support continuous full-duplex serial port data flow, an RF data rate much higher than
the serial port baud rate is required for FHSS. Radios transmissions are half duplex, and