between the wheel rim and outer corners of the segment and apply downward force while guiding the segment into
D- Close and latch each segment retainer under segment retaining catch.
E- Slowly rotate the wheel 180
. Install the second segment opposite the first for counterbalance. Rotate the two
installed segments 90
to balance the wheel while the third segment is installed. Rotate the wheel 180
again to
install the fourth segment opposite the third. Repeat this sequence with the remaining four segments.
XI -
Pul ley Kit In stal la tion
The units are shipped from the factory at the low static setting. Pulley kits are available for the medium and high static
settings. To install a pulley kit.
1- Check content of pulley kit, if pulley kit contains:
A- An adjustable sheave and a fixed pitch pulley then remove belt and both motor and blower pulley
B- An adjustable sheave then remove the motor pulley.
C. A fixed pitch pulley then remove the blower pulley.
2- Replace pulley(s) with the pulley(s) from pulley kit. Make sure each pulley is installed with a key. Tighten the set screw
on the pulley(s) to 100 in.lb.
3- Install the belt that came with the pulley kit. Tension belt as explained in the blower speed adjustment section.
4- Check the speed of the blower. Adjust the motor sheave to increase or decrease the speed of the blower. See blower
adjustment section.