Form I-VR (10-14), P/N 205202 R14, Page 35
Maintenance Requirements
As with any gas-burning equipment, regular maintenance procedures are
required to ensure continued safety, reliability, and efficiency of the installa
If service is required, this heater should be serviced only by a qualified service
person. Service information in this booklet is intended as a guideline for a
qualified gas-fired equipment service person.
Model VR and GVR tubular infrared heaters are designed to need only a mini
mum amount of maintenance. Some maintenance procedures outlined in this
Section require inspection only, and some require action. All of the procedures
described should be performed annually. Depending of the environment and
the number of operating hours, more frequent cleaning may be required to cer
tain components as indicated in the instructions for that component. Although
the maintenance requirements for this heater are minimal, the routine mainte
nance procedures in this Section are necessary to ensure safe, reliable, and/or
efficient operation.
9. Maintenance
Reason for Maintenance
Safety (to avoid personal injury and/or property damage)
Continued Reliability
Efficient Operation
Expansion and contraction of the heater causes these components to be
flexed on each completed heating cycle. Carefully inspect the flexible gas con
nector for any evidence that a fatigue crack has developed or is developing.
If the inspection indicates that replacement is needed, replace the connector
with an equivalent one (particularly the internal diameter because flexible con
nectors have large pressure losses).
Inspect the electrical supply connection for any insulation damage, and replace
it if any irregularities are noted.
9.2.1 Flexible Gas
and Electrical Supply
The paragraphs which follow discuss the components and systems that require
routine inspection/maintenance. At the beginning of each section, there is a
code indicating the main reason why that maintenance procedure is neces
sary. The legend for that code is shown below.
9.2.2 Combustion
Chamber Tube
Check the combustion chamber tube for any evidence of burnout. A
burned-out combustion chamber could allow fire to escape outside of the
tube. If a burnout or weakness in the combustion chamber is discovered, the
cause should be established and the tube replaced before heater operation is
resumed. Burnout is the evidence of excessive flame temperature. Excessive
flame temperature would most likely be caused by a restriction in the system
or excessive gas pressure.
Heat Exchanger
Check all of the heat exchanger tubes for any indications of a hole devel
oping. A hole in a heat exchanger tube would allow flue products and/or flame
to escape into the heated space. Replace any suspect heat exchanger tube.