From “Force bandwidth mode”, you can select the proper bandwidth corresponds to your network
environment. Generally speaking, it’s recommended to select “Max” for the LAN users and “Min” for
the WAN users.
From this screen, you can do the bandwidth control. There are 4 modes available: Min, Avg, Max, and
Auto. If you choose Min/Avg/Max then you will override the default, Auto. As the automatic mode
measures actual network performance, you may see the current mode switch from Min up to Avg or
Max. The different modes indicate more time spent on compression versus more bandwidth. There is
no visual difference between the modes, but there can be a noticeable difference in speed and
2. Please click on “VNC Connect”, you’ll get the VNC screen. That is, you will see the screen of the
host computer(s), please scroll the screen to the bottom. It is the Bribar (refers to Chapter 5,
section C: How to Use the Bribar) down there, please click on Menu (refers to Chapter 5, section
D: How to Use the Main Menu). Should you find “B/W” on the screen, click the proper
bandwidth corresponds to your network environment.
From this screen, you can do the bandwidth control. There are 4 modes available: Min, Avg, Max, and
Auto. The white button is the mode the system is currently operating. If you choose Min/Avg/Max then
you will override the default, Auto. As the automatic mode measures actual network performance, you
may see the current mode switch from Min up to Avg or Max. The different modes indicate more time
spent on compression versus more bandwidth. There is no visual difference between the modes, but
there can be a noticeable difference in speed and smoothness.
You may need to upgrade or download your Jav
a (http://www.java.com
) support in your
browser before using the VNC screen to remote control the host computer(s); however,
most modern browsers come with a version of Java that is compatible with this