If there are different minimum distances for the individual devices
in a drive system, the greatest value determines the minimum dis‐
tance to be observed for the entire row in the drive system.
For example, if a supply unit with integrated braking resistor is
used and operated with nominal power, its minimum distance d
of for example 300 mm determines the minimum distance for the
connected HMS / HMD drive controllers, see figure "Minimum
Distance at HMV Supply Units".
Minimum Distance of HMV Supply
The braking resistor in HMV01.1E heats up during operation, the braking re‐
sistor in HMV01.1R and HMV02.1R does so particularly after power has been
switched off.
Under rated load, the escaping cooling air has cooled down in the minimum
distance to below 105 °C. If the integrated braking resistor is not loaded, the
distance can be reduced to 80 mm.
Minimum Distance at HMV Supply Units
Lateral Distance at Drive System
In order that the cooling air can circulate in the closed control cabinet, a dis‐
tance at the sides of the drive system is required in addition to the distances
at the top and at the bottom.
In the closed control cabinet, the circulation is provoked by the natural con‐
vection and supported by the device-internal fans.
Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Systems with HMV01/02 HMS01/02, HMD01, HCS02/03
Bosch Rexroth AG
Arranging the Components in the Control Cabinet